Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Quick Week In Review

Last Week went something like this:

Monday: Boy to school, girls to mom's, work 9-6, after that rehearsal until 8

Tuesday: Boy to school, work 9-1, girls to school, pick everyone back up - night off

Wednesday: Boy to school, errands, girls to school, job interview, pick everyone back up, Final dress/tech rehearsal 5-8

Thursday: More of the same shuttling kids, plus opening night of play, exhausted from sleepless night spent stressing about what I perceived to be crappy job interview, job offer, opening night of kids play

Friday: Shuttling kids, physical therapy, second night of kids play

Saturday: Girls dance class, errands, date with Craig - play at
Stray Cat and dinner at Caffe Boa

Sunday: Sick, mainly exhausted, kids matinee

Looking forward to a slower paced week, starting a new class, and closing weekend of the kids play.


Stacey Snacks said...

I just found your blog and am wondering....when do you have time to read food blogs???? You are one busy girl!

Wendy said...

It is my guilty pleasure - I love to read about food, write about food, and cook food, not to mention eat it - YUM!